Monday, April 28, 2008

Wilds Songs

Found this page on IMEEM...superb playlist of Wilds songs....

Really solid..going wild over this wilds playlist link :p

Enjoy...btw Jon, My quiet time song is there..we can sing during campus next time..

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Feeling so tired. Watched football. Now lunch time. Feeling zonked. Super zonked.

Dark eye bags. Hardly could concentrate.

Writing a few sentences...still can type..haha

Think this would be one of the most weird entries around.

Thinking of writting something but neurons are misfiring...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Moving on and on

Expecting that there might be new things coming on.

Might be going Brunei year end to work for a long while. Sent over to help set up their laboratory. Wonder if I really go, how long would I be there?

Perhaps I have a choice not to go? But to think about it, a change of environment might be good??

Sometimes, you ask is this God's will for me? Then you ask, whether you have to put that into question? My heart at this point is to go...

But then again, there are other considerations.

I often believed that God speaks through even our desires. But at this point, don't really had the peace to go. But come the year end, who knows?

Vietnam is also making the same request so either place, somebody might be sent there.

Had a job opening in US a year ago, but didn't take it up.

Working in the same work environment can get dull. Time and again, the usualness of life's routine. Being contented is a difficult state.

Yet time and time and again, God allowed pleasantries in life to let me be reminded of His inherent goodness and faithfulness. Today heard a sermon of the blood covenant and was reminded again of God's covenant faithfulness. Abiding goodness that never leaves.

Always think and believe that God is leading me to do something that I have yet am doing. But I know one thing that instead of seeking that, I should build my life towards one of everyday, every moment obedience. Obedience as a character is the most essential to any Christian. Christ exemplifies obedience to the fullest.

My life should pursue that which is definite and directive coz it is straight from the bible that I can conform to.

Hoping that life will change into one of more consistent joy and being satisfied in God. But unless it is the work of Christ, that change will not be the regenerating and sanctifying work of the spirit of Christ.

Christ in us, is really the hope of Glory!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

All of Grace

So much things at hand recently. Parents not in the best of health. Work been piling up and doesn't seem to cease. Project on hold because of work. So many urgent matters to attend to. Hmm..

Worries seem all around. Practically stayed back at work for the past month. Today finally decided that there is a serious need of break. Just left my office early. Ha.

Had a long and nice jog I never did for a while. Amazingly stamina not lost.

Again sobering. Looking at my parents, they are unsaved. Priorities. First thing first.

Haven't spend much time in prayer recently either. Neither much in bible studying. Campus retreat approaching. More important things in life. Priority.

Be still and know I am God. A timely reminder.

Life would be full of trouble. Job says that. Man is born unto trouble and sparks fly up. And at the end of his trial, he declares in his knowledge of God, "I have heard by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see you;"

Never to be tossed tro and fro but to be found deep in the abode of God.

That is what I need with so many difficulties amounting.

God's grace can be sufficient. If only I ask...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Physical Tiredness vs Spirituality

1 And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, also how he had executed all the prophets with the sword. 2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.” 3 And when he saw that, he arose and ran for his life, and went to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there.
4 But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, “It is enough! Now, LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!” 1 Kings 19:1-4

I shared on this passage several months ago with campus. But didn't thrust on this text. I shared more on the still small voice of God and how God works beyond what our feeble senses can see. That even in a whisper, God's word is more powerful than the wind, the lightning and thunder that Elijah saw on Horeb or Mt Sinai.

Here it is a journey in Elijah life as a prophet. He had just gained victory over Jezebel's false prophets. Being able to summon fire from heaven to lick up the prepared sacrifice, while the Baal prophets, were unable, Elijah has shown the people of Israel who God really is. He is Yahweh, Jehovah God.
Elijah and the people of Israel siezed the false prophets and then he oversaw their execution. Elijah then run ahead of King Ahab to the King's winter palace Jezreel and he did this all on foot and bear in mind, it was also raining and not just rain, but pouring rain. Remember God has promised the drought in Israel has ended and Elijah had just declared the coming of rain clouds from God.

So tt must have been very exhausting. From the confrontation of the false prophets, to their execution, to running on foot in the rain ahead of King Ahab to his winter palace, this passage did not record that Elijah rested for one moment.

Later on, Ahab told Jezebel what Elijah did. Jezebel then ordered Elijah be slayed. Upon hearing this, Elijah who just slayed the thousands of Baal's prophets, who witnessed the awesome display of God's power in the burning of the sacrifice, turned coward and run for dear life. How could he?

This passage run in my mind today coz I realise this, just as Elijah did that day. Elijah must have been physically exhausted. Upon a threat of a women, his physical exhausation overwhelmed him and all he could think was not his God, but himself. He couldn't think. Neither could he have faith. He didn't remember his God. He only saw his fear and he run. He did the natural where doing the supernatural seems more apt. After all, earlier in the day, he had saw the mircale God did. But Elijah run.

No amount of spirituality, faith, love and good works can be done unless a Christian is well rested. A well rested mind allows you to lean on God. No true spirituality can be exercised except with a clear and sound mind. Faith comes by hearing and hearing of the preached word of God. No confidence and trust in God can come except by hearing. When we are tired, we become dull. Dull in everything. Dull with God.

Well, tells me one thing. Dun over-exhast himself. If you are mindful of your relationship with God, stillness is ALWAYs needful.

I didn't realise this till this week has gone by. I have worked myself to the ground. This week, I must make it a point to rest more. I am getting more tired. Reading the bible has become dull. It just occur to me why...And the words that our LORD Jesus said to Martha...Martha martha..doesn't that ring a bell??

Well, God, thanks for the timely reminder.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

4 years

When I first heard this tune 3 years etched deep with moving thoughts and emotions which brought along memories...

Would be coming to 4 years already since I first heard this tune. Well going to just embed in this post and hope whoever hears this tune will find it likewise. Coincidentally, the title of the song is 4 years...

Found the OST and bought it in from overseas 2 years ago.

Have posted the piano and guitar version. A heartwarming tune that will pull your heartstrings...

Enjoy :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

That he knows Me

Jeremiah 9:23-24

Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgement, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the LORD.

This verse spoke to my heart today like a sword that spear right through. It seems that God is beckoning each one, that includes me to deeply be affectionately to know Him. A deepest desire of God that He be known. What a intimate cry. In the excesses of things that is going to come this week, this verse seems to me a pillar of strength.

A pillar of fire by night, and a huge cloud by day...

My God shall say to me, I will supply all your needs through Christ Jesus, and I shall reply, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

My LORD, Jesus.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Amazed by Grace

Amazed by God, yet again. This is an answered prayer in quick succession. Just seen the grace of God 2 weeks again. And now this....

God really wanted me to see His evident hand. Never experience quick succession of answered prayer. All glory to God.

Taman Negara...the beautiful tropical rainforest paradise. We had looked at 16 to 19 May 08, Monday being Vesek day was a good time for most Campus students to make, being so close after their exams and one Monday holiday, makes it an ideal time for a retreat.

But Lo and behold, it was also for the general public. Taman Negara was no exception. Made a phone call on Tuesday to ask for availability but was told Nusa Camp, the most forested resort in Taman Negara, being one of the two resorts built inside the forest, the other being Mutuira Taman Negara (this one is a resort - cost is super ex). I was told it was fully booked, to my disappointment. So emailed Muturia - also fully booked. That one is at least RM500 for one. Too exp but thought no choice. Anyway, fully booked. Wrote to 4 accomodation in Kuala Tahan, the nearby town beside Taman Negara. Same outcome, fully booked. So thought it was out. Started looking at Kenyir Lake, Pulau Perhentian and Gopeng near Ipoh, Perak.

But just prayed and ask God for His Will for this retreat. Quietly hoping it would be Taman Negara because of the "idealness" but only asked God to open doors and not to lay a plan before Him and say God, You must bless this plan. It is the best in my eyes. Thank God for this "trial" so to speak, as I see how God wants His children to earnestly seek Him in whatever events of life. Amazingly, today, during lunch, wanted to end all hopes of Taman Negara, decided to call Nusa Camp just to ask one final time, "really no place, huh?"

And amazingly, I got an unexpected reply, Oh, we have space, domintories, is that ok? That sound like music to my ears. Only domintories, nothing else. Got room for 20? I got a "Yes", we have more spaces in fact. I say for now like to reserve 20 first. She says ok, got my contact number and the reservation was made. I was lost for words!!! But to leap with Thanks in my heart. Thank God and Praise Him for His provision.

God just loves to amaze. Again His ways are Higher, His thoughts are Higher coz our God, our God is the Highest!!!

Now to pray that this indeed would be a blessed retreat that many can come, if not all. Praying for a theme now...seems incline to share on The Love of God but who knows How God will amaze us once more.

God is superb! Come and taste that the Lord is good. Tasted.

God you are most wonderful. Thanks for letting me see Your hand again :)

Thank God for Him as the Giver not just the gifts.

This answer just allow my heart to praise the Giver and let me know God, Himself. Joy no exception.