Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A fountain of grace

I remembered going Merchant Court Hotel and had a buffet several years back. It was a huge chocolate fondue. It is massive. Alongside are sticks of marshmellows and strawberries. I remembered sticking the marshmellows in the overflowing liquid chocolate, and lacing it with the richness of the delicious chocolate, realishing the sight let alone the anitcipation of what is more inviting next. To eat it.

2 verses struck a chord when I remember this memories. James 5:11,"As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." and 1 Pet 1:13"13Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed."

James speaks about preserverance under suffering. Peter writes about being holy and setting yourself apart for God, dedicating and consecreting.

I like both verses. They both speaks about our position in Christ. Full of 3 wonderious truth. We are bathing fully in the Lord's compassion, in His mercy and full of His grace. Therefore there can be delight in the fiercest of storm, in the most mystified of circumstances, in the waves of temptations that billows of pathways. We strive to perserve, to hold fast, to be holy because we are divine reciepients of God's grace, mercy and compassion that have an unending flow.

I do not mind being that strawberry though with a thorn, but still bathing in God's provision. What a thought. A sweet delight. I can set a banquet in the face of my enemies, that is what the Psalmist said in Psalm 23. Indeed. God is greater than any gods, His power never gets overturned, neither His affections, when He has set upon you before the foundation of this world.

My God, our Lord is good. Always and unchangeably so.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Sea of Red....to be continued

What a night..the day that Liverpool FC came to Kallang ..and the sea of red..and the red kallang wave...My brother brought his SLR camera..so more pics to follow...mine is just handphone pictures...but it was truly a SEA OF RED...go Liverpool go...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weather Change

Strange things have happened nowadays and more common. Weather is really hot.
I read in the papers that this is also the year of El Nino. And it would get worse.
Strange weather.

Doing research on agricultural production, I read more land getting more inarable, meaning, acute food shortage likely to arise in the next 30 years.

I read Matthew 24 just this morning. And I guess, woah...famine on a global scale is going to happen soon. Not Africa countries. But all over the world. Just in South East Asia alone, the padi fields would be badly affected due to rising sea level, more lands would be flooded and the the salt content of soil will also render these areas uncultivatable.

The fish in the world is also depleting at an alarming rate due to over-fishing. Animals are striken with diseases due to modern agricultural techniques of mono-pedigree cultivation.

Famine on a global scale haven't been witnessed. If we read the drastic climatic changes and the current mal-practice of modern agricultural teachniques (in contrast to God's prescribed farming teachinques), a global famine is not far away.

We have seen H1N1 as another testimony of global diseasae outbreak..a pestilence that Christ prophesied in Matthew 24...we haven't seen famine on a global level yet...with such fulfillment on the horizon, it is again another warning..time to be sober-minded. Ezra said, "look at the times" and Nehemiah says "look at the wall". Christians...look at this warning signs and use it as a sign of the end of the age. Be on your toes and point people to see these signs as evidence that what Christ says is true. But more than that, what He says, "He is the Saviour of the world". To a world that is only dying, the only hope is in Christ. Whatever Christ says will come to pass. He echoes these words, "Heaven and Earth will pass away, but the Word of God abides forever".

So abide in this promise of the only deliverer, Christ Jesus.

Goodwood Park Durian Pastries

Legendary durians discovery. Yamashita's gold is finally found...

This is one durian of a burger...called a durian puff for most of the time. :)

5 cm at the side and 8 cm in the centre of pure durian delight. This is no ordinary durian strudel, it shudders and bathe you into a sea of durian puree...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Frail is real

Tonight at BSF, we went through Leviticus. It is a book themed on the holiness of God. It strike deeply that God loves a moral upright, righteous people who adore and worship God.

The more I read the law, the more I realise we have grown to ignore, have not regard for God anymore.

In general, I think we have also distanced from reality. Take human existance being frail, we dun take it as real. Unless we face death, that thought is always distant.

I wonder how many of us are sober. I wonder.