Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Constantly Abiding

It is soon going to be the end of January. Time really flies, before you know it.

After the Christmas musical, I thought I may not write another song for a while. However, as every journey of life, there are journals still to write.

Wrote a song called, "Constantly Abiding". Yup, it sounded like a hymn of old but with new lyrics and new melody. It is a song about my Lord Jesus. The words of comfort that Jesus said, "Having love His own, He love them to the end." And having known that in my Lord there is no end, I thank God He love us, He love me with an everlasting love. Wrote the melody and song with that blessed thought. I love the chorus that says,

"Constantly abiding, My Lord knows my hiding,
And He will never leave nor will He ever forsake me,
Constantly He is biding, with His love abiding,
Always calling me, Ever to be close by His side"

Thank God for this song.
I wrote two stanzas but still refining it.
It has a very lovely melody.

At the same time, call it paradox. Wrote another song to reflect some innermost thoughts. "Nobody loves me" kind of melody as in "sad". Wonder why it came about, another very very sad tune. As with "Nobody loves me", never did finish the lyrics, and with this new melody, a melanchonic one, the tune really tugs the emotions with longingness and saddness. Called this song, "I still cry". I guess I have put the past behind me, but some thoughts came and so pen down the melody still with a bit of lyrics. Never let go a good melody, you never know when you may still have use of it, just like "Nobody loves me". Haha.

Nevertheless, thank God for January. Countless lessons learnt. Precious lessons learnt. And I still wear my pants one leg at a time. How human I am still, in need of abundant grace from God. John Newton wrote in his song, Amazing Grace,"T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...and Grace will lead us home." Grace shall lead us all the way home. The Grace of God, that is :)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Preach to yourself

Habbakuk and Jeremiah are recipients of preach to yourself prophets.

I realise how important to keep focusing and repeat to yourself that God is good.

We often neglect the rememberance of God's goodness simply due to something so obvious - our forgetfulness.

Preach to yourself often. Read the gospel. Read the prophets. They are for your comfort.

They are to tell you who God is.

You need medicine for the soul. You take it and preach it regularly.

I thank God I learn to recite His attributes everytime the going gets tough.

It takes a while but as my mind oscillates between feeling depressed and encouraged, I know I need the stillness of the mind to delve into God's eternal truth.

This is very difficult. Very. But truth sets you free.

Thank God!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Life is not a joke

Spent a long time thinking and praying last night.

Life is really not a joke. Hearing Jiun Ming speak of his cousin and his mother was sobering.

I have also witness death. The painful kind. I have witness massive thousands of bodies as well. Walking through scores of human bodies lying on the sides were a sobering sight.

Hearing stories of different people this past few months, I have heard of accident, severe ones that leave the person harder to live than to be dead.

There are many people afflicted. Many. So many incidences of death in this few weeks.

Looking at people around me. Looking at my own life. Looking up towards God.

I realised how terrible being frivalous in a Christian gathering can be so detrimental. If that is the consistent message.

We may preach a serious message. We may have a believer in the midst of us desiring encouragement from the Word. But if frivolity dominates our conversation. If carelessness and irreverential conversation precedes our awe of God, I shudder to think whether we know that losing a soul is no trivial matter.

Convicted to change an atitude of carelessness.

George Muller. Charles Spurgeon. John Piper. John MacArthur.These men taught me well about God.

Preachers get mellow. I get mellow when I see lives in need of God and afflictions of real hurt. There can be no frivolities.

Campus gathering must exuberate seriousness. Do not wish that if a new believer come in who desires God but seeing older Christians being careless in their words, it does not give the seeking soul a spiritual engagement with God. I think what Ezekial said concerning the watchman of the city, the blood will be on our hands.

Again, this is no laughing matter.

God, how? If you alone be glorified, please give wisdom on this matter.

Let Christ be lifted up that all men be drawn to you.


Friday, January 25, 2008

The pursuit of God

George Muller became a Christian when he walked into a Christian gathering and saw a deep reverence and worship of God in their study of God's word.

Spurgeon spoke of the Christian coversation content shall never be one the world will hear and not recognised it as anything Christian.

The pursuit of God is the worship of God.

What should predominate a Christian gathering? God.

Praying towards this and I feel this is the utmost need of any Christian gathering. Let very thought and action first be held captive to pursuing God.

May God be our focus. I pray that would be true with every campus gathering. I really pray so.

May the people do this, that God may inhabit the praises of His people.

Am concern for this. Deeply.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


我走在清晨六点 无人的街 带著一身疲倦
昨夜的沧桑匆忙 早以麻木 在不知名的世界
微凉的风 吹著我凌乱的头髮
手中行囊 折磨我沉重的步伐
突然看见 车站裡熟悉的画面
装满游子的梦想 还有莫名的忧伤

Chorus 1

那刻著我的名字 年老的树 是否依然茁壮
又会是什麼顏色 涂满那片 窗外的红砖墙
谁还记得 当年我眼中的希望
谁又知道 这段路是如此漫长
我不在乎 有没有梦裡的天堂
握在手心的票根 是我唯一的方向

Chorus 2
回家的感觉 就在那不远的前方
古老的歌曲 在唱著童年的梦想
走过的世界 不管多辽阔
心中的思念 还是相同的地方

I didn't write the lyrics for this song but I remembered I wrote a composition of the feelings of going home before. That was so many years ago when I was in Primary 6. Wrote it as my composition theme in a National Competition. I was selected to represent my school in essay writing competition. Haha, that has been so many years ago. My linguistics abilities have since declined with age..haha

Going home always feel good even though it is an everyday thing. The final going back home to our Lord''s abode is even sweeter. 回家的感觉 is indeed very good :P Perhaps no language can describe. Ezekial couldn't describe heaven when he saw it..haha..

What a wonderful thought...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Spiritual Growth

Finally recieved a long awaited parcel and got down to listening and reading through the book.

The author rightly related true spiritual growth by saying this, "True spiritual growth can only comes when you AIM your life at God's Glory."

And when I listen and read on, the sermon that accompanies the book gave such a deep and glorious insight of God's heartbeat.

And everything we do as a believer. I read only 3 chapters thus far but the things that are mentioned are tremendous.

The author exposited the entire scriptures the importance of God's glory and the destruction of many men who decline to give God glory.

And everything else a Christian does, may it be prayer, confession of sin, bible study etc to intricately linked to a pursuit of a life to glorify God.

Such practical yet insightful to the Christian's "duty" and how it leads to glorifying God.

We are all captured by bigness and wondered at marvel. And God's glory is the perfect bigness and marvel. His Glory is the highest and therefore most deeply satisfy the emptiness of man.

One thing Paul said is that we are move from one level of glory to the glory when we behold God's glory in our lives. God did that to Moses. So He would do to any child that desires His glory.

God will not oppose the man who seeks His glory.

And so I am delighted with the truths taught in this book. So fundamental yet so crucial in the growth in the life of a believer.

Going to relook into the content and changing it into a bible study for campus.

This is exciting stuff. Great stuff.

Thank God! :)

Monday, January 21, 2008


天上飞过是谁的心 海上漂流的是谁的遭遇
受伤的心不想言语 过去未来都像一场梦境

多少冷漠我都尝尽 多少回忆藏在我的眼底
遥远的你是否愿意 为我轻轻点起一丝暖意

痛苦和美丽留给孤独的自己 未知的旋律又响起

是否我~ 真的一无所 有 黑暗之中沉默地探索你的手
是否我~ 真的一无所 有 明天的我又要到哪里 停 泊
是否我~ 真的一无所 有 心中的火再没有一点光和热
是否我~ 真的一无所 有 昨夜的梦会永远留在 心 中

My favourite song when I was a teenager. Chance upon it on youtube, thought I pose up the lyrics for nostalgic sake. Haha.

A story

A man was once foolish. So foolish. Very foolish.
A letter came which promised hope. A hope that came uncertainty.

But he waited. Believing that the hope was genuine. Because the author of the letter was from a trusted friend.

What does it mean to be a trusted friend?
The hope never came after two years.

The letter was an email. He never deleted it but he tried deleting from his mind.
He was unable.

He never got to speak to the friend again.
He never ask another word.
It was a hurt that was hard to forget. He never did.

He remembered a funeral 8 years ago. And he remembered how human relationship is so fragile. To treasure the present is so much more meaningful.

He remembered a sight of horror 3 years ago. And he remembered life is so fragile.

Lives come and go. To honour a person is indeed valuable. To honour a promise is so heartwarming. To treasure relationship is so loving.

Disappointment in life are hard to erase. And it will always come by. Some deep. Others deeper. Some can be crippling.

But the summation of all is to know there is no reason to stand sentry.

One life is all we have. Friends around. Kindred kins around.

Seasons come and seasons go.

And when I saw the resurrected Christ, I knew every burial brings victory through Christ.

That is how I found peace. Thank God.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What can a man posess

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. These words came from Jesus.

Often we grabbed the present that satisfies. I have Christian friends who had left attending church, often grabbed by affairs of the world, may it be career or relationship.

Many seemingly looks contented. And I believe they are.

But 1 John 2:17 tells the abiding truth. The evil human heart can seek contentment when self is fulfilled. Sometimes it can be from a "good" thing.

And I realised that even with contentment, with fulfilment, with happiness at present could lay the foundation for future despair especially in relationship and career.

How desperate we are in need of God to let us realise to see beyond present. God help us!

Let suffering awake a right relationship with God. Unless we truly seek and see God only. Our desire be singular, we face greater emptiness with every passing phase of life. Nothing can abide except he who desires to do the Will of God.

Let us be awaken to this singular truth that truly set us truly free. May it be a purging work and let our heart not be bent towards evilness and wickedness. May sufficiency in God be the good thereof instead.

Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

Christ said this to His disciples before He strived towards the Cross, "having love His own, He loved them to the end..." How true of God's love for us that have no end...it is an everlasting love.

Remember your God and who He is. He love you first. And so it is. No time can diminish that.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Valley of Vision

Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision,
where I live in the depths but see thee in the heights
hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold thy glory.

Let me learn by paradox
that the way down is the way up
that to be low is to be high,
that the broken heart is the healed heart,
that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit,
that the repenting soul is the victorious soul,
that to have nothing is to possess all,
that to bear the cross is to wear the crown,
that to give is to receive,
that the valley is the place of vision.
Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from deepest wells,
and the deeper the wells the brighter thy stars shine;
Let me find thy light in my darkness,
thy life in my death,
thy joy in my sorrow,
thy grace in my sin,
thy riches in my poverty,
thy glory in my valley.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Thank God.

He has shown the enclave of faith, trust, love and strength.

Thank God for people around showing just that.
Trusting God is real because of testomonies of faith.

Old paths are true.