Thursday, January 24, 2008


我走在清晨六点 无人的街 带著一身疲倦
昨夜的沧桑匆忙 早以麻木 在不知名的世界
微凉的风 吹著我凌乱的头髮
手中行囊 折磨我沉重的步伐
突然看见 车站裡熟悉的画面
装满游子的梦想 还有莫名的忧伤

Chorus 1

那刻著我的名字 年老的树 是否依然茁壮
又会是什麼顏色 涂满那片 窗外的红砖墙
谁还记得 当年我眼中的希望
谁又知道 这段路是如此漫长
我不在乎 有没有梦裡的天堂
握在手心的票根 是我唯一的方向

Chorus 2
回家的感觉 就在那不远的前方
古老的歌曲 在唱著童年的梦想
走过的世界 不管多辽阔
心中的思念 还是相同的地方

I didn't write the lyrics for this song but I remembered I wrote a composition of the feelings of going home before. That was so many years ago when I was in Primary 6. Wrote it as my composition theme in a National Competition. I was selected to represent my school in essay writing competition. Haha, that has been so many years ago. My linguistics abilities have since declined with age..haha

Going home always feel good even though it is an everyday thing. The final going back home to our Lord''s abode is even sweeter. 回家的感觉 is indeed very good :P Perhaps no language can describe. Ezekial couldn't describe heaven when he saw it..haha..

What a wonderful thought...

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