Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Song of You

Penned these words, yesterday evening. A song of my God.
His word are ever renewing in strength, His Word are ever restoring in faith.
The musical has so much to be done, yet looking at His Word, I am re-assured, He will surely lead us through!

Glory to God!

"Morning anew, Your mercies so sure
In Your Word, I found You real
By faith all things are possible
In You are unsearchable delight
Leading through water so clear so crisp
Planted in Your promises so dear
they are to all weary souls
In times of need with cries to you

When my soul shall sing a song of You,
My joy shall be upon the rock of Christ,
May all the honor and praise be to You,
Whose faithfulness never cease

His banner always be held on high
The truth that shall set us free
Abide in Him, Draw near to Him
Abounding Grace His Word so true

What a friend we have found in Jesus
Who sleeps neither day and night
Who watches over us always beside
As a shepherd who knows His lambs
With love holding us so tenderly
By His bosom we are in,
By His arms He shall shield us
Everlasting to everlasting more"

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