Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus

Interesting book title.

That got me reading the book some 5 years ago.

That got me again interested when I saw the video-book released a few months.

Now I am watching and it is not that interesting. What I mean is the presentation style but nevertheless what is really exciting is the main, thematic message of the bible is clearly presented and with pictures and illustrations.

Hence it carried the message so well.

Glad to be watching and still is. This video book is great. We often question what does the bible really wants to tell us? What is the recurring theme? Where are the passages that tell us that?

When I first read the book 5 years ago, I learnt the central theme of the bible. Till today I am glad I did coz it allowed me to see the bible as what it wants to tell every believer.

And so it helped when I read the bible nowadays.

Good book for anyone to read who wants to learn more about God and His word. A treasure, a friend of the bible, this book is.

Read it. Or watch it!

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