Sunday, February 17, 2008


Pew...Things are finally working again..
Wah this is so stressful.
Thank God, finally after weeks of frustration...thing are finally on track again...

Sometimes it is funny to think...

if the world has no air...
if time would stop....
if just one element would be missing...
what would life be...

non-objective truth? Imagined fears?

So it is not if...the existance of everyone is because you are there...God placed you there.....

There are no missing pieces in anyone life...

Heard a friend shared this....if a Christian is backsliding and as a consequence has a sickness say cancer, to an unbeliver or even a Christian, how come God is allowing this person to suffer? Say also why the eating of a fruit in the garden of Eden cause the whole human race to fall?

Suppose we say that a parent has a rebellious child and this parent has the power to cause sickness in the child, for the parent to do that isn't right?

We can say that the parent ought not to do that but for God to do that, it is legitimate because God assume His rightful wisdom and judgement and soverignty.
The outcome of what God is doing is something we can not understand at a moment, but He does know what He is doing.

To parallel the parent to God is an unequal comparison. Coz wisdom to wisdom, there isn't a comparison. Coz for legitamcy to legitamcy, the parent has no right.

Indeed, Let God be God. We can't say or do anything that will change who He is.

Amen :)

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