Saturday, February 16, 2008

The week before departure

Haha, titled this post "the week before departure."

But it is correct. I am leaving exactly one week to Hong Kong for work. Would be on course to learn audit. Not something that I exactly like but glad to go Hong Kong nevertheless. I had never been there.

Well, couped up in the lab again. It is 2.15am. Hmm. Dead in the night and I am here all alone, with the radio playing Chinese songs to accompany.

Just want to express Thanksgiving to God for Fri BS time. Thank God those who had not been able to join us to join us :) Thank God for a good BS. Thank God for His blessing upon His people. I am excited to see what God would do in the young hearts.

Hope whoever read this post to keep remember to pray for the campus family. When the child of God pray, God our Father hears and answers. So I like to pray and ask that we will continue abide in God and that our hearts never be dull towards God but having rising affections for Him each day of our lives. I pray for individual growth and also more to come to know Christ.

The joy of the Lord must be our strength for us to perservere.

It has a wonderful journey thus far working among the young lives in campus. Because of the excitment in seeing what God is preparing. Even in the most difficult of circumstances. God has prepared a banquet in the wilderness before and I trust He would do the same among His people in campus.

Covet your prayers if you have read this post.

Praise and Glory be unto our LORD :)

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