Saturday, March 22, 2008

Being a Balanced Christian

Stumbled a sermon entitled above.

Very sobering message. And recalled alot of things that was said and discuss before.
Text was taken from Psalm 90.

The preacher recalled the life of a missionary couple that gave their all to the mission field but neglected their teenage daughter only to regret in their old age.

I recalled countless insolence in my battle to win an argument but lost a soul in the past. Today I see that in others and I wish I could have opportunity to tell them so. I see also Christians going into semantics of bible interpretation and making an issue. I see Christians going into bible versions and making a whole load about it. I see Christians going into preaching style and condemning others but making one style the best of all.

We forget we defend and contend really the truth that is once delivered to the Saints. That is what is written in Jude. What is this truth? It is the truth of the bible. It is the truth of God who saves sinners through Christ. The truth that guards against any lies that does not uphold the truth of God. Lastly, we must remember we will die one day which is the most important and the simplest reality. Our days are numbered. Lets defend what should be defended and not be wasting time on what isn't necessary in the first place. In light of time, it is a vapour.

The devil is crafty at this. Really. A battleground disguised.

Psalm 90 speaks about the prayer of Moses. In whatever Moses does, he saw it in God's eyes. The eternity of God outweighs everything and Moses uses that to balance the right view of God to the right view of life.

Christians have been wounding themselves, thinking that they are defending the truth but instead they are zealous for a form not for God. Because truth builds love and when love is lost, it cannot be from God.

I have much to say about the semantics Christian are fighting. I love the gospel. I hope this is the message we defend. If there is anything that we should fight for, at least be the important peripherals that points back to the gospel.

Wasting lives on wasted time. What is the point?

Just putting some laments here. Grace shall lead me home. Sigh at times.

Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in the truth. Rejoice in the message that saves both your soul and the souls of others...

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