Monday, March 3, 2008

Memoirs from HK - Day 1

Ok, finally found that little bit of time to put up some pics. Pardon for some blurry pics coz I dropped my handphone in the toilet, after that the phone could not focus well...but I think from an artistic point of view, you get the picture...Pic are arranged hopefully in chronological order.

Selected pics only...haha

A pic of the A380, flight was delayed coz of the Asian Aerospace...flight took off one hour later than scheduled.

First meal in Hong Kong. Wan Ton noodles. The wan ton is worth its weight, much bigger than the ones in Singapore and the prawns are succulent, fresh and juicy. What more could you ask for your first meal in Hong Kong.

Took a stroll by the habour after dinner. Scintilling neon lights...Beautiful. The clock tower is the remnant of the old train station.

Thats all for Day one..will post more for Day 2 and beyond...coming soon. Took loads of pics of the food...cross your fingers :P

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