Sunday, March 23, 2008

The gladder things in life

Listening to today's sermon from Pastor Paul was very moving. He depicts the scenes leading to the crucification, the crucification, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ very vividly.

It did all sound familiar. I am a 19 year old Christian after all. Saved at 13. Yet the vivid images, the depth and width of Jesus's sacrifice have brought a rememberence. A deep rememberance. I still forget what great love God has shown. I think sometimes my attitude towards sin is still callous. Hearing a sermon like this reminds me again how ugly sin is. My sin that is.

Jesus is precious. The crimson stain of sin, He has washed it white as snow. I hope I live my life to show that Jesus is precious. I thank God for today's message coz it is sobering. Very sobering. The harder I feel, as a Christian, as I get to know about Christ and what the bible tells about my Lord, the more grieved I can get when people deny the gospel. This Easter, 6 of my colleauges came. 3 are not saved. None professed Christ.

The hope that they will delve deep. I know what my Lord did is indeed a great sacrifice and indeed as in the words of the apostle, How could we neglect how great a salvation?!! How could we. I wish God would give them eyes to see and turn their hearts of stone.

What Christ did...Calvary...I thank you God. What glorious foretaste divine of my Saviour and the abode that I will come into the presence of my Lord when I pass away from this life.

The gladdest thing in this life is to name the name of my Saviour. His great love that in all of this, I shall display the Glory of my Lord.

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