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Thursday, November 4, 2010


I keep asking myself whether I should be upset. A friend you endear yet disappointing in the sense that when you realised it was all inattentive when the actions and replies reveals the meaninglessness of the conversation you have had.

It is regrettable.

At the end of the day, it is not what is said that meant anything, it is what that has been done.

Too much has been taken for granted.

Alas, heavy sense of disappointment but in life, where else can you go but the point of that regret.

It is sad but that's life.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hector Dolphins at Akoroa, New Zealand. Ain't they cute? of 4..the smallest I think is a calf..awesome..

Tuesday, September 14, 2010




Monday, September 13, 2010

When music speaks louder than lyrics

A year has gone since I put pen to a feeling. A song ensues and a beautiful enchanting melody has since been written. And finally it is immortalised into a piano piece...

Aptly - words not spoken, yet the music encapsulate every moment that has transpired the whole year. Its really a lovely piece. Possibly the best melody I have came up with...

And because the song is done up, I wrote another song in response to it.

It has been difficult especailly the recent weeks. Given it much thought.

Simply, it takes 2 to clap and when its only one..sadly and truly..its a slap...u could only do and give so much. After so much, if there is the clap, there isn't the response that is forthcoming, and you release its a slap after slap..its perhaps to know the rap is over.

Just knowing you did your best is all that matters.

I woke this morning, looking at the sun. The music continues and it spoke louder than the year that has gone by. Just five more days...

Friday, August 27, 2010

The weight of expectancy

It is hard when someone promise you so much yet deny the fulfilment of that promise.
Disappointment can sap a person.

You can do only so much and still so much. When the giving stops, the grace stops.
I would never want to stop the grace, but yet in that grace when it is only a direction that is one way, how long could the giving without the disappointment cripples you.

It has been more than a year.

I hvae kept a melody. When I hear again this tune, how much more would the weight of expectancy again cause a crashing reminder.

We are after all nothing.

It is almost time. And its time I call time.

Done so much but it amounts to really nothing.

The weight of expectacy. Alas is only still a weight of expectancy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Blind spots

I wonder why. But its really not easy to keep forgiving and not feel any tinge of disappointment. Vague as I might write but I guess how long this patience may last. Sigh...

Forgave and keep forgiving. Tough lesson.

Hope I can by His grace keep forgiving....