Wednesday, January 27, 2010


34 and still counting. Hmm...
38 and still growing. Leaning..

U have to make things happen. I was told.
Yup I have to make things happen.


Life seems fleeting but prayers sends the fleet of cries to God who sends
His fleet of help to your side.

What more could I ask. Psalms 121:1-2 reads, "I will lift my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth."

If God made this dominion, be sure He can dominates all of life's circumstances.

The apostles learn this lesson, for in temptous wind, they were sore afraid, when Jesus rebuke the winds and it went ....peaceful.

Toss? No. Turn. Yes. To Jesus.

Monday, January 18, 2010


it has been a long time...still the end is not yet.

well, i am casting that aside at least for now..been thinking of some other things and deeply perturbed.

Jude 1:3a..contend earnestly for the faith...recently i came across something that it is so monumental, and I feel that God has shown me beyond any doubt that this is the truth.

I heard a sermon by John MacArthur who says this,"be a student of the bible and laid down convictions..from there onwards you will develop affections."

How true. Jesus said these remarkable words when He saw the temple turning into a den of thieves and said,"the zeal of thy house has eaten me up."

How I wish I have such affection for God that I can see truth and boldy declare truth without the fear that I offend man.

I need grace, much needed grace.

Truth must stand tall. Fads and trends come and go. The infallible Word of God has always stood the test of time because God has never change, neither His Word will. Jesus said rightly,"Heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of God abides forever."


Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Living Sacrifice

I have bought "Passion of the Chirst" DVD in US a few years back. Never had the courage to watch coz heard it is gruesome. Especially this one is uncensored.

But last night, I didnt know why I just couldn't sleep. I saw the DVD, still unwrapped...and decided to watch it..been 5 years..

So I did..and is so heartwrenching...I know Christ suffered more..this movie even though well-made can never never show the full extent of Christ's suffering..Scripture description is full beyond the fabric of human comprehension of His suffering.

But as I look a tthe images of is indeed heart stopping. To suffer in the hands of sinful men cannot weigh any heavier than to bear the weight of sins that God has poured His wrath on Him.

The ending of the movie is beautiful, almost serene. The resurrection of the GLORIFIED CHRIST.

After watching the movie..I penned some thoughts...and it slowly it became a song..I titled it "A Living Sacrifice". Coz really seeing what Christ has done..why shd I live for self and not for Him. The ugliness of sin bring His death, then what must be a beautiful life, it must be living for His righteouness.

A Living Sacrifice
When I gaze upon the crucified Christ
Could I coldly look and not know
The anguish He bore for me
Was not for my sins
Then why does He had to die?

Christ the lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice
Heaven paid the price with His blood
Christ has laid His Life
Shouldn’t I give to Him
All my life, a living sacrifice.

The veil was torn away, with the Savior in my heart
I was blind but now I see
The joy was set before Him
He’as ran the race before us
Leading us by His faithfulness

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Keep Fighting

1 Timothy 1:18
Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight,

1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

1st - I want to speak of this fight.

It is amazing the work that Paul does to the life of Timothy. Simply telling him to keep fighting. All of us face moments of discouragement. Timothy, as Paul says, my true son in the faith also faces discouragement but he tells Tim one truth, keep fighting, keep enduring, keep doing right, live out your life to the max, son, keep fighting coz fighting the faith is all that is worth it.

You have taken hold of eternal life. Fighting the fight of faith is the best fight ever. Fights often leave a person bruised, wounded, hurt and in agony. I believe the Christian fight is the same. Yet Paul rightly points out to Tim, you have taken hold of eternal life therefore you can fight. You have taken something that is abidding and eternal. So fight knowing you are never a loser. Great encouragement.

2nd - I want to speak of a fight that is unworthy.

Paul tells Tim to fight a specific fight. The fight of faith. Tim did it. Tim perservere. Tim didnt give in . Sounds like Jesus fight with the devil. The temptations. He never yield nore waiver. And lay before Him is the crown of life.

Do we see this as a fight that is worth it? I sometimes think most of us fight not in the arena of faith but in the arena of fame, of wealth, of the world while the devil hints his temptation without a fight. We don't take flight, neither fight but soon find that we fight for fame, wealth and things of the world and not the fight of faith. The things of the world never profits the soul. This is a fight that is unworthy.

3rd - I want to speak of a fight that is worthy.

I see Paul sums it best. Eternity is a beautiful resting place.

I often hear of Christians saying that they God has called them to a place of work. And I see ugliness in the way they does thing. This is not fight of faith, this is a fight of fame. Misuse of God's calling.

The beauty of fighting the faith comes with the beauty of the rest that you believe in. Faith sees when the breadth of life is taken away. Rather than breathe the sorrow and bitterness of the world, why not breathe the given grace of life and see life's journey as the path to that beautiful rest. So fight. Paul says that with many tribulations, we must strive to enter the kingdom.

So I speak of this fight that is worthy that apostles and saints of old have spoken and leave their mark. Their graves are not decorated with precious stones. But their honor is they depart into the glories of Christ whom they love so endearly.

So is this reward that we fight for.

Monday, January 4, 2010

But I haven't been to the other side

It is shocking each time I hear of someone passing away abruptly. I speak of one such young man. He passed away suddenly.

I went to his a fair bit. He is a young man full of aspirations and ideals.

Yet life was snuffed out of him quickly and suddenly.

All of us makes plans and proposals.
All of us have heartaches and difficulties in life.

Is it true that it is more pleasant living than not to?
Some people says life is beautiful. Some will beg to differ.
Some will say I haven't been to the other side.

I read a comment on someone's blog on the demise of the person. "Lucky him, he is in a better place."

If one is going through hardships, that thought of relieve is a relief.

However, I do realise...The cause for living is not to escape that escape is not living either.

The meaning of life cannot be here and now, this present moment or else the meaning of suffering cease. And if living has no meaning, then suffering has no meaning either.

Eternity beyond has a more purposeful end than living. Coz living will end. Eternity willl not. Live for eternity has meaning and suffering then has meaning.

The heart that is set on eternity lives for eternity.

Do I make sense?

A penny for thought I suppose.