Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Yesterday night, I pen a new song. And completed it. Something that I haven't done for a long time.
The lyrics were simple to write simply it just a reflection of what was in the heart and mind.

It has been an amazing 2 weeks. Surreal. But reality has finally reconciled itself.

Hence this song, written I hope is a monument to remember this 2 weeks and perhaps an advice to myself to be contented. To be appreciative just the way things are and not to yearn for beyond.

Simplicity itself has its beauty.

As the song say "我要学会怎么满足". Even as friends with friends, this song speaks about the most beautiful thing you can have for someone, is to wish the person the best and learn to be contented, no matter what the future may hold for each one of us.

I love this song. I really do...haha..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009


If one's heart could be an open book, it would be easier to decipher what is going on? Or is that good?I probably can't reconcile honestly what I was thinking today but then again it is probably the most honest thing I did. A man who cannot control his spirit is like a city without his walls....What I think, what I feel, doesn't mean that I should do as a result of what I think or feel. But to curb is always the hardest thing to do.

Perhaps that is when the mind rule over the heart. Perhaps I have crossed the barrier.

If only my heart is an open book, then I can read and think of this book whether it is a good book. But is kept and close. And probably that is why I erred in many ways.

Well, another learning curve, admist a difficult one.

Editorial time.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A hot coffee

this noon time, at lunch, having a cup of coffee..feeling rested...
the goodness of God is something worth meditating on...

too much internal turmoil recently...and just reflecting on the goodness of the Lord and having that thought that God still knows best is comforting.

When you want to think beyond what you can think, it dawns upon you that you are after all human and God's thoughts, God's ways are not our ways...

We return as dust but God made these dust that we are....definitely He is infinitely higher and greater than we are...

To be resting in His absolute wisdom is the peace that surpasses all understanding and the peace of God shall guard your heart...

Things will and can work out. I just have to keep trusting God...there isn't another way... for it will then be my way...

Thank God.


As busy as I am, it dawned upon me this week with all clarity and starkness, the fraility of life...

and perhaps the apathy that we tend to be in or the cares of this world really consume us much..honestly I feel for the most of us, we have indeed build a very callous heart....

the way the world is heading, the whole culture has exalted self and the indifference towards things that are of utmost priority...

if I wake up one morning, not being alive, would I be able to regret I haven't live today...I realise I dun have such a resolve neither a charity to have others live with gladness, in the abode of love..

we care too much for ourselves than for others..I really wish and hope that a heart of charity would be the most beautiful life to live once for that charity brings warmth into the hearts of others and at the end of your life, have charity recognised as the gift of God, of Himself through you...

that is perhaps I think as I gone thru' this week with shock and soberness, a reflection I need seriously to consider...

God soften this heart..I need empathy and not apathy...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


As I sit at the departure lounge, waiting for my flight boarding, I look at the waiting plane and am glad that I am going for a short break.

It is really a tough year for me. Personally and spiritually.

I recall Paul saying his life is like a tent that he will soon put away. I think I have been too tense, too unable to put things in the right perspective and allow too many things to trouble and complicate matters.

There are many things in my life. Many difficulties. Simplicity can be so beautiful.

As the final lap looms nearer, the welcome breeze of fresh air seems ever so nearer. I am hoping. Quietly hoping.

Things after the horizon, will be the rising sun, with each ray of light, brings hope to the despairing heart.

Thank God, He is always sustaining...

Monday, September 14, 2009


after almost 3 weeks of absence, thankfully with a one week break, finally manage to attend bsf tonight...

thank God manage to finish the bsf questions last the wee hrs of the morning..couldn't sleep...double quick..finish in 30 min...never before so fast..
and could contribute to the class tonight...

glad all things worked well..

now finally a break after so much intense late nights...
thank God

Sunday, September 13, 2009


pursuing what I know I must do is the most satisfying...
when you know it is the right thing to do...

to deny what is right is to know that is wrong
to deny how to love is to regret what is true

there can be no denial....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


deifinitely not the namesake of an old game I am playing...

but describing an overly burn out old man..


Monday, September 7, 2009

If I do not love Christ, I have nothing...

I count all things as loss, that I may gain Christ.

I believe anyone who holdfast to what Paul's conviction and life model is...he will be a remarkable man.

Gaining Christ.

Drawing to God can only get nearer and still near. And only still nearer. Jesus healed the man at John 5 so that as Christ puts "that he go and sin no more". This is what John Piper preached on last week.

Holiness, he says is not an option, it is a must. As he warned the man in John 5, "Lest something worse happen to you".

Sobering, doesn't it.

What God wants to say is this, that the pursuit of holiness is a necessity to every Christian. Gaining Christ is nothing more that loving God by setting yourself apart for God, that is to pursue holiness.

The pursuit of holiness is the "lifest" way of living.

If I do not love Christ, I have nothing. I think it is in Hebrews 12, that it reads a verse "Without holiness, nobody shall see the Lord".

So I believe apart from holiness..setting yourselves wholy and only to God is the surest pathway and the only pathway to gaining Christ. Or else you have nothing, this life or the life to come. It will all be burned up.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Morning comes


Just woke up exceptionally early today. Its 6.20am. Still thinking.
Arrgh. Things are clear but I believe we cloud our thoughts with our hearts.

Need wisdom and direction.

I shall go to the place where wisdom and direction is best found.

Going to that edge

It is hard often to concur reasoning with emotions. I heard a song on radio the other night that says "Follow your heart" Music and songs are powerful reflections of what is stirring the human heart.

There are only about 2 weeks left. Will reasoning or my heart rule?

I am in dilemma cause there are things I have considered. Rationally, I think a "No" should be more inclined. But if it is emotionally, I believe I would just follow what my heart says and do it.

There would be so many implications, so many complications if I would think hard rationally.

Yet if I go for the rule of heart, nothing of these would be par excellence in consideration.

Just which to choose?