Sunday, December 30, 2007


Listening to the new song that I have composed, somehow, it led me to think of the feeling of having a handshake with God. The warmth, the affirmation, the gladness, the uplifting of the soul towards God.

This year has been difficult hence the longing for God to use His Word to speak with His still small voice. His Word is ever refreshing, ever restoring. It is a complete renewal to the weary soul.

Tomorrow would be going up to Palm Springs, Johor for prayer kickoff. I dunno what is installed next year. But prayer always move the hand of God. Thinking of a handshake, thinking that God would always approve His children pleading with Him for His blessing, will draw a hand to come down from heaven, to see His handshake of approval.

The best part about prayer is not in so much of the answer, but as in so much the trust and dependence of God who has no lack. That glorifies our God.

The more you pray, the more you acknowledge the abundance and the wisdom of God.

That gladness that brings to the heart even in the most terrible of days. Coz when everything around is collapsing, you will still lift your hand to pray. What glory it brings to the Father.

My heart is weary so much from the many struggles of life. Yet in amazement of who God is, I believe God has installed great things. He has plans to prosper, He has plans that our heart must be drawn to Himself. The greatest commandment is to love God with all thy heart, mind, soul and strength. John Piper words still ring clearly. God is most glorified when you are most satisfied in Him.

This is my only new year resolution, my only prayer. To be satisfied in God alone who alone can only satisfy.

What more with an answered prayer.

Gloria sola gratia.


Friday, December 28, 2007


Just want to thank God again and again.

Got back my grades. And I cleared my modules. The grades were good enough for Masters. Masters require a B average. Achieved my target.

Amazingly, passed my statistics. I never liked Maths. The last time I did in my undergraduate days, almost got killed. Almost. This time round, it is slightly better. Haha. What a relief.

Another hurdle cleared. And the year will come to a close soon.

Praying ahead for the new year with thanksgiving in the heart.

Praise God.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

God's faithfulness

Would like to pen a few words in what happened today.

God is so good.

I send Alicia and her sis, Patricia to Muar today.
Before we set off, we prayed for God's provision and protection.

Along the North South highway, my tyre punctured big time.
2 miracles happened.

A guy signal to us our tyre is punctured which was so uncalled for. But he did.
We pulled over and saw the punctured tyre.

A highway patrol stop over at the exact same time we pulled over our vehicle and offered to replace our tyre. All done in 10 minutes.

We didn't know what to do with a punctured tyre and everything happened at the exact moment for the greatest coincidence of events.

Who orchestrate this provision? God!!!


The trip concluded with a nice feast of Otah from Muar. And we make back Singapore safely.

Just want to say thank God.

And the musical performance ended today wonderfully. Many profession of faith too. Praise God.

Glory to God. Amen!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus

Interesting book title.

That got me reading the book some 5 years ago.

That got me again interested when I saw the video-book released a few months.

Now I am watching and it is not that interesting. What I mean is the presentation style but nevertheless what is really exciting is the main, thematic message of the bible is clearly presented and with pictures and illustrations.

Hence it carried the message so well.

Glad to be watching and still is. This video book is great. We often question what does the bible really wants to tell us? What is the recurring theme? Where are the passages that tell us that?

When I first read the book 5 years ago, I learnt the central theme of the bible. Till today I am glad I did coz it allowed me to see the bible as what it wants to tell every believer.

And so it helped when I read the bible nowadays.

Good book for anyone to read who wants to learn more about God and His word. A treasure, a friend of the bible, this book is.

Read it. Or watch it!

Christmas Musical

Just finished the 3rd performance.

Deadbeat and tiring. Seems an endless endeavour.

Yet joyful.

Work in the office still have loads to finish.
So distracted at times.
And troubled also.
But glad that many people could come and watch this season of Christmas.
Praying that God will bring in a plenteous harvest.

Year is ending so fast. And seems like time is so short. The verse that says "redeem the time for the days are evil" seems so urgent. Given the decadence of society advancing rapidly, it makes the gospel more appealing for those seeking peace in a world of turmoil.

God grant strength. God grant power. And You alone be glorified in the salvation of sinners.

Keep all humble. Keep all with clean hearts and clean hands.

Thank you LORD.

Monday, December 17, 2007

God in Difficult Moments

16 But Ruth said:
“Entreat me not to leave you,
Or to turn back from following after you;
For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
And your God, my God.
17 Where you die, I will die,
And there will I be buried.
The LORD do so to me, and more also,
If anything but death parts you and me.” Ruth 1:16-17

The life of Ruth is one of tragedy laden. His mother-in-law, Naomi had lost her husband and both her two sons. Ruth has become a widow. Now they are returning from Moab to Israel due to famine in the land. Orpah, Naomi's other daughter-in-law decided that enough is enough and left. Ruth stayed and said those words in Ruth 1:16-17.

Ruth was a woman of loyalty. But more so a woman of faith. The circumstances doesn't make sense to sensibility. Rather it promises hardship ahead. Naomi wanted Ruth to leave. She could no longer protect and provide for Ruth. She has no sons to marry her, no food to feed her. She was a woman of destitute. Ruth chose to remain with her. Verse 16 told us that Ruth is a believer of Jehovah God. She said that Yahaweh is her God. Verse 17 told us about her unyielding loyalty to Naomi.

She is a woman of faith and committment. The difficult times did not deter her neither did it defer her. God is her God. Naomi is her mother-in-law.

I see this text as a woman of faith in God demonstrating the character of God in her treatment of Naomi. Naomi is certainly a helpless woman. Ruth too. But she chose to be with Naomi, her mother-in-law to be her comfort. God honoured Ruth eventually. Ruth remarried to Boaz later in the book of Ruth and became the great great x a few times grandmother of Jesus Christ.

The musical is nearing and begins this Sat. A lot of unfortunate events happened yesterday. Uncle Ivan had to make painful decisions. I admired his courage and see reasons for him to doing so. Spoke to him for a while. One of the cast was changed last minute. A main cast. Thankfully, a willing and joyful replacement came along. However only a week remained.

The songs I wrote were also reviewed and many suggestions were given to let the lyrics fall more in line with the script. The changes were a lot. Initially I didn't feel good. Knew it was pride. But thankfully, with much prayer, God did direct my thinking towards Him and His message and I realise this musical is His not mine. All things for Him. No flesh shall glory in His presence I was reminded. So I thank God for every change. Every change for a better Christmas message of Christ. Thank God for this valuable lesson.

Another one is more personal. My car collide with Pastor's car. Just a minor contact but still, cause abrasions on his bumper. My car was dented. Pastor was forgiving. Very forgiving. My back bumper was also scratched when I hit the kerb after abrasing Pastor's car. No time to think about repairs. Heartache but not necessary.

Seeing all these things happening in one day is so disheartening. But these are not great tragedies of life. God is good no matter what I am reminded. I am reminded of Ruth 1:16-17 this morning as I pondered God's truth. I asked myself a few questions. Is God a cosmic killjoy? Does God thwart and go against us? The answer is a resounding No. If it is No, it must be Yes.

Ruth chose God still in difficult times. Great hardship still she chose God to be her God. She is afterall a Moabite. She chose to enter the land of Israel with Naomi. Acts 14:22 says, "strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” These words come from persecuted Christians in the book of Acts. They like Ruth, chose God and so chose tribulations for a promise of salvation. A promise with God and so they chose to be for God. And I know God is for us. The events have unfolded is very discouraging. But God definitely has a good purpose. Perhaps it is a timely and purging reminder that we must go on our knees to plead more. Perhaps it is to say that "No flesh shall glory in His presence." God is showing Himself strong that this musical is His. He desires fighting the battle for us to reveal He is fighting for us.

I am not quite sure and convinced why things have happened. But I know I must choose to trust Him. He is trustworthy. God has not failed me before. Trying moments again. God will not change His character. So if He is a faithful God. He will remain faithful.

Again a Romans 8:28 moment. A truth of God.

Praying for God. Looking for God in His answers.

May His glory gives me joy this Christmas again!

Thank God.

A good will come out eventually. It will.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Song of You

Penned these words, yesterday evening. A song of my God.
His word are ever renewing in strength, His Word are ever restoring in faith.
The musical has so much to be done, yet looking at His Word, I am re-assured, He will surely lead us through!

Glory to God!

"Morning anew, Your mercies so sure
In Your Word, I found You real
By faith all things are possible
In You are unsearchable delight
Leading through water so clear so crisp
Planted in Your promises so dear
they are to all weary souls
In times of need with cries to you

When my soul shall sing a song of You,
My joy shall be upon the rock of Christ,
May all the honor and praise be to You,
Whose faithfulness never cease

His banner always be held on high
The truth that shall set us free
Abide in Him, Draw near to Him
Abounding Grace His Word so true

What a friend we have found in Jesus
Who sleeps neither day and night
Who watches over us always beside
As a shepherd who knows His lambs
With love holding us so tenderly
By His bosom we are in,
By His arms He shall shield us
Everlasting to everlasting more"

Monday, December 10, 2007


Affirming the goodness of God in bad times.
Affirming the faithfulness of God in trying times.
Affirming the will of God in difficult times.
Affirming the power of God in times of weakness.
Affirming the glory of God in confusing times.
Affirming the sovereignty of God in unexplained times.

Affirming the heart in knowing God. Affirming the reality of God.

Come and taste. Come and see that the LORD is good all the times.

Be glad weary soul. God is revealing more of Himself. If thy eyes have seen the Lord, the heart that once hear now sees.

Trust God, He parts the heart to be one of AFFIRMATION.

AFFIRMED in Him in all things. And all things will you see God.

God does this wonderfully and perfectly.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Preparation of the heart

"LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble;You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear," Psalm 10:17

But as it is written: “ Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,Nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

"For a multitude of the people, many from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves, yet they ate the Passover contrary to what was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, “May the good LORD provide atonement for everyone who prepares his heart to seek God, the LORD God of his fathers, though he is not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary.” 2 Chronicles 30:18-19

Finally found time to write down some thoughts about the Ipoh retreat and things that has happened.

It is pretty late now at night, and I am not too sure I can grasp my thoughts well. In a nutshell, I hope to summarize the events that has unfolded this year.

This year has been a trying year. Somehow, I think the most convicting work that God has done this year is the preparation of the heart belongs to God.

It has been a refining year. Somehow I have neglected my thoughtlife. This year however, a lot of deep impressions were formed. The nurture and mature of God's in the heart of a believer is such a necessary work and such a painful one. Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and He said in His opening sermon of His Ministry in the Beautitudes, "Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they shall see God."

There are many painful struggles that I went through. Especially in work and relationships. I do ask God why such trials of this nature.

Now it is the end of the year, I realise something so important about purging. To purge means to squeeze out. And I realise that only painful and insurmountable stress, presses a person to think, to examine, to map out his heart towards God. A lot of resentful attitude were exposed. A lot of misguided trust was exposed. A lot of presumed grace was exposed.

And I realised how important it is to sanctify your heart. And I realised this sanctification is not wholy a work of man but God. It is so painful yet powerful.

When God initiates the construction, He initiates, completes and perfects it.

There are thought processes, motivation, intentions and purity of thinking which I thought were not important. There were atitudes of genuine love vs hypocritical love that I didn't realise. There are pretences of spirituality that I didn't know but now adhore and still is struggling with.

But God is in the business of preparing the heart. I realise that God doesn't approve of any work done with wrong attitudes.

It doesn't matter how much you are doing for Him. It matters how much you love Him.

And the wonderful thing I realise, God is in the business of refining this impure heart.

I wonder why the purging when it started. Now I can see why.

The bleeding heart is a tender heart.
The crying heart is a humble heart.
The needy heart is a praying heart.

How would I have such a heart unless God allows these circumstances to befall.

I hope this is not the end. Seems strange why I ask that.

Because the work God has began, it is foolish for me to think that He should end it.
If it is for God's glory, I realise that I can take joy in all tribulations. I dun like the feeling. But I see the promise encouraging. James said the same. Take joy in all tributations...

As I write this, I write with a grateful heart.

I want to say Thank You Lord.

For those who are experiencing God, look at the circumstances and look within your heart. See whether God is working to turn a heart of stone to flesh. We need that. How desperate we need that.

And thank God. God is in the business of preparing the heart.

Blessed again are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

A heart scupltured for the purpose of seeing God. And only God can and will do that.

Thank you Lord :)

But in a nutshell again. The purpose of the preparation of the heart as in verses said above.

Drawing near to God can only be achieved with a pure heart. Drawing near God begins with God. A heart for God.

Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.

Yet this heart must be prepared by God.

Days growing as a Christians means a greater wonder in how God does His work in the lives of His children.

Wonder on...

God produces this wonder and is the object of your wonder...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Retreat Pics - Cameron Highlands

Beautiful God. Beautiful creation :)

Hill top views, tea plantation and rose moutain

Sunflower against the wind

Lao Wang Chicken and Tao Gay - Delicious

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Nobody Loves Me

Thought I would write down many things today after my EXAMs are finally over.

Thank God for that. Thank God for many brethrens who prayed. Thank God for guiding through others who also finished their exams.

The funny thing is, once you have free time on your hands (in a sense), you wouldn't want to write more. Perhaps. But I am getting a bit nostalgic. Many things want to pen down but maybe not tonight.

Today was in church, hearing the arranged song, "Nobody Loves Me" for the Christmas Musical. This song is a bit strange. In what way?

When I first wrote this song, the melody was a bit similar to another song I wrote for the musical. So on the whole, the feedback wasn't ideal. The other comment being, it wasn't sad enough. This song I am writing is for a very sad scene.

Weeks went without breakthrough. One day in church, while comtemplating whether we should go ahead with the original tune. We had arranged the music then already. I told my friend, I do have a very very sad tune. I held this tune back because it is really a very very sad tune.

Wrote this song because of unrequited love. Haha. Never finished this song. Half-done. Mid-way writing this song, I thought, forget it. Why live in the past? I kept the melody, I kept some of the lyrics. It is an unfinished song.

I decided to modify a bit of the parts to suit the Christmas Musical song needed. Today it is done up. Finally arranged.

When I heard it, tears well in my heart. I didn't cry in front of my fellow friends. They didn't know the story behind this song.

I dunno. Somehow hearing this song, every sad thoughts and emotions welled back.

I am in the midst of writing a song. The melody was concieved last week during my retreat in Gopeng, near Ipoh with the Chinese brethren.

It is a lively song, a heart warming tune.

Lives are full of emotions. And thoughts. It drives a person to remember.

Every strong wave or moving of emotions etched the deepest memories.

And so is "nobody loves me."

This song has come of age. I hope so have I.

Thank God that the melody has come to be useful and well-received.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

写下, 记下,最后的坚持,最后的情歌.<<常常>>

Many thoughts, many emotions this week. No time to pen complete everything.

After tuesday, will pen down.

Like the wind that blows, the eyes that is closed know where the wind is going.




A song to remember. A song to treasure.

At last.