Friday, June 26, 2009

Before I forget

When the days seem longer yet it is shorter.

Sometimes you consider that they are characters having suffered worse...Job with his boils, Jonah in the stomach of a big fish, Stephen stoned alive for the faith and you wonder how all these men could withstand such agonising death.

Death seemingly is cruel, but there are people who think also likewise living is cruel. Some may think death is a release others think that being alive is to be grateful. The key is still, where does your hope lies?

Living is cruel also because when all hope is dashed and death seems to suggest all will end. Hope is such a precious thing. Hope is light in darkness. Hope illuminates seemingly the darkness of days. Hope keeps one alive.

Hope is intangible. Hope gives rise to faith but faith also give rise to hope. Without faith, there can be no hope. Where there is no hope, there is no faith. The hope of gaining Christ. The hope of complete rest from the soldiering, the laboring, the gladness of the heart seems all so inviting.

Sometimes I think I weathered a lot of storm, seen alot of rain, awashed with much agonies, yet if I end of by thinking that the end of all that is for me to taste the curse of sin, then I am under a curse. I am but if that is all to life, then indeed it is a curse.

Curse will end. Hope never. Eternity with God is something I cannot comprehend neither have I seen. Invisbility remains invisible. And I am reminded the words of Paul who says we are by all men most pitiable if our hope is in vain. Our hope cannot be in vain, that is what Paul says. Assurance is the substance that guarantees our hope. So it must be God who keeps you and not the other way round. If my thought does stay on this, I know the only outcome, I will crumble and hope around will crumble and I will fall flat like a pack of cards.

A eternity with God never perishes. Before I forget. I am secure with Christ. God, help me to stay with you. Before I forget, You keep me, not I but Christ that keeps everyone with You. Before I forget. Help me to remember before I forget when I feel that there is a load that overwhelms. Help me to remember before I forget.

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