Monday, February 8, 2010

What is in the head?

3 A man's own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD. Proverbs 19:3

I dunno what could be worst than to think wrongly all about God and yet have a rage against the Lord

I dunno what could be worst than to think we can cheat sin and believe that God doesn't know even that little one.

I dunno what could be worst than to continue in sin and believe that we are saved no matter what.

We are man, made of unredeemed flesh. Our carnal nature.
There could be only fear in the presence of this great enemy, our sure defense cannot be in of ourselves.

The weakness of our warfare towards principlalites, rulers and dominion of this world. How weak we are.

The assaults of life are tremendous. I do feel miserable at times Sometimes I again felt helpness.

The days have fleeted by. The hours are long gone. When I long at the horizon, the word deliverance seeming look more and more distance As the Psalmist puts in 121:1 "Whence would my help come?"

Sometimes we feel lost and naturally so. I feel likewise. In the struggle against sin, against the sense of aimlessness and lostness, you feel you want the ultimate desire to be happy. It is just so natural.

Yet there is that waiting. What fills my head is important coz a wrong think could set my heart in a rage against God.

I dunno why that happens but it had.

If only repentance could come easy and stay easy, it wouldn't be a warfare.

I must keep my mind pure and have hope for He who has this hope purifies himself.

I can't think anything worst to have what in the head that set your heart raging against the Lord.

I really dunno.

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