Monday, July 14, 2008

The hand that love God

In Luke 9:62, Jesus spoke these words, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

These are certainly words of dedication and committment. Words that talks about fitness for the kingdom of God. The stamina that enables a athlelete to complete the course of running. The heart that beats for God is the only qualification God desires.

This week 2 things happen that made me cringe. That is right, "cringe". It is not something I do not know. But it is disheartening to realise the decietfulness of the human heart again. Not withstanding mine own included. But the fact that reveals that wickedness is so prevalent among people is an encounter you wish you meet less. Christians, they called themselves but inwardly I feel are an enterprise to their own means. See that they have made my house into a den of thieves.

I shudder to think. How many of us are not having a right heart in the faith considering the years we have since name the name of Christ. An utilitarian God is what we desire. Not a God of the universe.

I realise God's forebearance is really matchless. If I could see in the eyes of these men and still love them, and see in them an eternity in them that they are made by God, made in the image of God, that I could still love them, I lie. I can't. I could put into pretence that this is righteous indignation. I hope my anger is aroused because of their nonchanlent behaviour towards God. If my heart would break in compassion, I would have attain true godliness. That their sin is so deceiving even to themselves.

Oh, how blinding is sin. Even mine. The sinfulness of sin. How I wish I could break out this web of sin. That blinds everyone.

I hope they would know. God's forebearance and forgiveness is great. And bountiful. But shall we sin that grace may abound. God forbid.

I really do not know how to react except as what scriptures says as a matter of duty, to love them still, not to hate, but to love that God may be seen in me, and not me be seen.

God is love. How much more I realise through this 2 events.

God indeed is God.

Man indeed is born unto sin.

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