John Piper made these words ring a resonance, "If we imagine God for less than who He is, it is idolatory." "Right affections for God comes with a right view of God."
I agree with what John Piper said. He went on to say in America, there is an attempt to make God look small.
I heard from John MacArthur that we must believe God is able, that is the basis of faith (paraphrase). This is what we often lack.
Going back this reservist is quite an experience. Talking to my peers and hearing their talks, I observed something, people are hungry for success. They pit one another at their sucess stories, they ask how to be successful. Prosperity in material wealth is their goal. It may surprise you if you realise there were Christians engaging in this talk and showing great interest and desire to delve into how to be successful.
I just felt that we have dimmed our greater treasure in Christ. Shall I say the greater treasure we have is the greatest treasure. Christ. Christians not embracing Christ, Christian looking to Christ to be their success feeding their worldly pursuits. It is hard for anyone without Christ to see light that we shine, we live, we thirst, we love Jesus above all things. We engage people with their same thrist. It is no wonder that we have more similarities than differences to the world. When Christians engages the world, the world embraces him or her. Though it is told that friendship with the world is in enmity with God. The Christian's thirst is not wealth. It is righteousness. Christ is our righteousness.
Jesus made it clear, the world would hate you because they hated Him first. We don't show difference with the way we lived, the world would not resist. Christianity have dived low, simply we were taught that God is our aide to success. Perhaps we don't live by faith in God but a faith God who we idolize for His gifts, believing God is our genie, God is a dole-eyed empathising God that idolize our incapacity to be successful, that the centre of His worship is us.
What blamphemous idea is that? The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We love Him because He first love us. Divine love is thought-out by God in whom He predestined, He foreknew, He justified, He also glorified through the slaying of His son. That is God's divine, highest and most gracious love. To degrade God's love to our own tool and not total worship is indeed idolatory. The love of God is unimaginably impossible, full of grace, mercy and power and if that dun implore us to love, what else will? It is a love that has glory all magnified.
I hope this experience would not make my heart shudder but strengthened. God's banner will always be held high. We need to know God. His highest good for us is that we hold Him highest in our life. The biggness of God never change. The only thing that needs changing is us. Our view of God must evolved to match who He really is. The transformed life will testify that. Our practise with our position in Christ.
The biggness of God. Sovereign, absolute soveriegn and all-conquering God. Nothing matters except He be worshipped. My life to give, yet He has taken into His everlasting love abode. Security in Christ, where shall I find my fear?
My Christ is all.