Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 04

It is day 04. We were moving towards our location. Surrounded by rubber trees and still rubber trees, our morales were depleted. Yet we continue to take stride.

We sought to position ourself in anticipation of the enemy attack. Hours lapsed. Still no sign. The occassional rasp from the trees brought reasons for us to fear. That we engage in comat and brings to a premature ends to our lives. We thought of our love ones.

Night fell. We havn't slept a wink. Some of us gave in. The snores was quickly amplified by the dead silence of the night. Yet, one by one, the symphony of snores became a ringing invitation that any attack now would mean instant annihilation.

Soon the night turned to day. It was comforting to see the first ray of light penetrating through the forest canopy or rather the plantation. A deep intake of relief breath soon followed by a slow tiring stride to my waiting car. Another day of war is over.

I shall rest another for tonight the hottest battle may ensue. There is no time for regrets only war. The battle must go on but at this point, this soldier must rest.

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