Friday, June 6, 2008

Memoirs from Camp

There are always things to ponder. Things to consider.
Issues of life will come and go.
Perspective will change.
Reading blogs and writing blogs
Hearing stories of happenings of others.

We are all growing and learning. Watching days go by. Lives go by. I think I have grown the wiser but nevertheless, mistakes are still made.

This year camp was special. In a sense I stayed for almost the whole, saved for the couple of hours I had to stay behind in Singapore to clear my work before I could embark on my journey to KL.

For years, I have always believed God has a calling for me to do something. Honestly till today, I have yet to be sure what it is. But I have learnt to cast that aside for now and live out my Christian life. It is silly to keep thinking that and neglect the present. As such, I found it necessary to remind myself to obey what God has to say in His Word and live out the present for Him. And meanwhile, build you Christian Character. EVERYTHING is life is beyond your control except your Christian Character. You could build your character by reading the Word and praying. You could build a passion for Christ by sharing the gospel. You could understand God ways by prayer.

I find that the most necessary a Christian must cultivate. The living Christ communes with us by daily fellowship in prayer and the Word. There is nothing mystical in experience. There is only a knowledge of presence when these are fulifil. Not emotions, not feeling per se. But the still small voice of God in His Word that speaks plainly and surely.

Your heart that is tuned to God speaks conviction and power. That Character you build in God will be shaped by God. It is completed by God with the needed craft and scupture. Trials may complete it but nevertheless the measure of faith is the gift of God.

I came to Church camp this and was reminded again of reality truth. There is nothing new to the Christian faith.

But the recurring thing I learn is what Paul says in 2 Cor 4:16, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day"

I am in way encouraged by the decisions that were made by many brethren. Yet I learn that what is really the most important is not a zap of passion or zeal but a coronory life of consistent pursuit of God. To realise that a righteous falls seven times yet he could rise again.

2 Cor 4:16 says we do NOT lose heart. Because of this reality. What is our constant heart condition? What should be the constant knowledge?

With our God, lo He says, He will be with us till the ends of our lives. His presence goes with us, and before us. The life of God must breathe life into the life of man. It is building a stamina of an althelete. It is building the endurance of a slave. It is striving the upward clal of God to see His faithfulness and remaining faithful.

Having a life of Christ is living the life of Christ. Christ grew up for 30 years and the bible says He grew with stature with God and men. He learnt. He grew.

What I wan to say is this,

The life of Christ is not merely a decision. Though good.
The life of Christ is not merely a prayer. Though good.
It is never just an emotion. A response. It is a life of God in the the life of you. It is knowing your surroundings, your struggles and your reasoning to believe then in this, that God sees everything fit for us to go through all these. And in all these, choose to glorify Him. In that which is matter is that your heart is tuned towards God and not self.

Living the life of constant reminder to do something for God can result in self-awareness and approval from men. It is different when ones sees the Giver, God gave Himself in Christ that we began ot live for the Giver. Because if the love Giver is Christ, and Christ has given Himself. Whatmore do we need then to know the gift of eternal life is Christ Himself that lives in us. In that bcause of this living, to live is Christ.

My friends, it is more necessary to keep tuning our heart to do the work for God instead of seeking my experience with God. My power to serve God. My spirit filling to see God work.

It is then we must accept the expections of battle. Life will become ugly. People will disappoint. Tune your expectations.

Life is not easy. But with Christ in the vessel of our lives, I hope each one of us build the love towards Christ. And when we pray or ask, we know that it is more necessary to see Christ then to seek Christ. To adore Him is better than to adorn Him by our deeds. When adoration comes, the deeds would be for the love of God and to the glory of God.

So build a inner man of growth. Because the work of Christ works. So we have hope.

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