Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Living Sacrifice

I have bought "Passion of the Chirst" DVD in US a few years back. Never had the courage to watch coz heard it is gruesome. Especially this one is uncensored.

But last night, I didnt know why I just couldn't sleep. I saw the DVD, still unwrapped...and decided to watch it..been 5 years..

So I did..and is so heartwrenching...I know Christ suffered more..this movie even though well-made can never never show the full extent of Christ's suffering..Scripture description is full beyond the fabric of human comprehension of His suffering.

But as I look a tthe images of is indeed heart stopping. To suffer in the hands of sinful men cannot weigh any heavier than to bear the weight of sins that God has poured His wrath on Him.

The ending of the movie is beautiful, almost serene. The resurrection of the GLORIFIED CHRIST.

After watching the movie..I penned some thoughts...and it slowly it became a song..I titled it "A Living Sacrifice". Coz really seeing what Christ has done..why shd I live for self and not for Him. The ugliness of sin bring His death, then what must be a beautiful life, it must be living for His righteouness.

A Living Sacrifice
When I gaze upon the crucified Christ
Could I coldly look and not know
The anguish He bore for me
Was not for my sins
Then why does He had to die?

Christ the lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice
Heaven paid the price with His blood
Christ has laid His Life
Shouldn’t I give to Him
All my life, a living sacrifice.

The veil was torn away, with the Savior in my heart
I was blind but now I see
The joy was set before Him
He’as ran the race before us
Leading us by His faithfulness

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