Tuesday, October 23, 2007


It has been several months since I heard John Piper.

Reality really sank in today.

Thank God.

The blazing centre contain so much truth about God. About life. About suffering. About living your life for God.

Christianity is never the absence of something that we feel blessed. Does the absence of cancer, absence of loss of a love one, or absence of money....makes us feel blessed. Contrary.

We feel blessed with the presence of things...often outside of God.

A dear friend told me something today. Awoke myself to the harshness of life. Suffering doesn't seem distant.

It is near. It is real.

Who is God? What is life?

Reinforce one thing. We live one life. Whether we suffer, whether we live. Who is God?

I realise this..FAITH. FAITH in GOD. FAITH conquers the valleys of life. God is good. Do you believe it. GOD is good all the time. Do you believe that?

This life have too much pain and heartache. Every happening of happiness lies in an happening...And we should enjoy it. If you win a prize, if you passed your exams..these are joyous thing. We should not guise our joy. Joy is natural.

But above that, when the test of life comes and remove that joy of happiness, where lies our being?

The hope of God concludes everything in life. Only God sustains and the true giver of real joy.

Everything is a veneer and falls away.

God abides. He has no time, no end, He is the alpha and the omega.

Living for God makes every sense, derives every joy, gives every hope.

Christianity. Isn't it living for Christ alone? Isn't it the sole satisfaction of your life. Does it need suffering to tell you that? Then let suffering come.

Our lives are too polluted. Too clouded. God, take away the veils of our life. You glory is when I am satisfied in you the most.

Thank you God. Thank you for revealing yourself again.

God you are good.
You are very good.

Thank you so much!!!

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