Monday, October 8, 2007


Going to be 2 years already since I witnessed the devastation of the Tsunami at Phuket and Khao Lak Thailand.
Remember the tragedy and left with me many thoughts and resolution.
I must remember these valuable lessons..and lesions..lesions in my mind that is.
Some resolutions I made still unfulfilled. God, let me have a weeping heart. The business of everyday has not allowed me to be still for even a while.
Meditating these 2 years...hmm it is time I will plan what I want to do next. Praying..I hope I pray more earnestly for this plan. God willing.
2 more years to go before my bond is up.
Life is so transient. Yet I don't think I had spend it all. John Piper told me these words "Dun waste your life. You got only one life. Risk it for God's sake. Only what is eternal counts. Dun exchange it for more mudane in life only. Do something radically different. Do it for God and that lasts. Remember, only that lasts. Dun waste your life. Dun at the end of your life tell God, look at my seashells...Love begins now."
Lord help me. Only you alone has the glory to satisfy this soul.
Late up in the lab again..:p

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