Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Constantly Abiding

It is soon going to be the end of January. Time really flies, before you know it.

After the Christmas musical, I thought I may not write another song for a while. However, as every journey of life, there are journals still to write.

Wrote a song called, "Constantly Abiding". Yup, it sounded like a hymn of old but with new lyrics and new melody. It is a song about my Lord Jesus. The words of comfort that Jesus said, "Having love His own, He love them to the end." And having known that in my Lord there is no end, I thank God He love us, He love me with an everlasting love. Wrote the melody and song with that blessed thought. I love the chorus that says,

"Constantly abiding, My Lord knows my hiding,
And He will never leave nor will He ever forsake me,
Constantly He is biding, with His love abiding,
Always calling me, Ever to be close by His side"

Thank God for this song.
I wrote two stanzas but still refining it.
It has a very lovely melody.

At the same time, call it paradox. Wrote another song to reflect some innermost thoughts. "Nobody loves me" kind of melody as in "sad". Wonder why it came about, another very very sad tune. As with "Nobody loves me", never did finish the lyrics, and with this new melody, a melanchonic one, the tune really tugs the emotions with longingness and saddness. Called this song, "I still cry". I guess I have put the past behind me, but some thoughts came and so pen down the melody still with a bit of lyrics. Never let go a good melody, you never know when you may still have use of it, just like "Nobody loves me". Haha.

Nevertheless, thank God for January. Countless lessons learnt. Precious lessons learnt. And I still wear my pants one leg at a time. How human I am still, in need of abundant grace from God. John Newton wrote in his song, Amazing Grace,"T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...and Grace will lead us home." Grace shall lead us all the way home. The Grace of God, that is :)

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