Monday, January 21, 2008

A story

A man was once foolish. So foolish. Very foolish.
A letter came which promised hope. A hope that came uncertainty.

But he waited. Believing that the hope was genuine. Because the author of the letter was from a trusted friend.

What does it mean to be a trusted friend?
The hope never came after two years.

The letter was an email. He never deleted it but he tried deleting from his mind.
He was unable.

He never got to speak to the friend again.
He never ask another word.
It was a hurt that was hard to forget. He never did.

He remembered a funeral 8 years ago. And he remembered how human relationship is so fragile. To treasure the present is so much more meaningful.

He remembered a sight of horror 3 years ago. And he remembered life is so fragile.

Lives come and go. To honour a person is indeed valuable. To honour a promise is so heartwarming. To treasure relationship is so loving.

Disappointment in life are hard to erase. And it will always come by. Some deep. Others deeper. Some can be crippling.

But the summation of all is to know there is no reason to stand sentry.

One life is all we have. Friends around. Kindred kins around.

Seasons come and seasons go.

And when I saw the resurrected Christ, I knew every burial brings victory through Christ.

That is how I found peace. Thank God.

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