Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What can a man posess

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. These words came from Jesus.

Often we grabbed the present that satisfies. I have Christian friends who had left attending church, often grabbed by affairs of the world, may it be career or relationship.

Many seemingly looks contented. And I believe they are.

But 1 John 2:17 tells the abiding truth. The evil human heart can seek contentment when self is fulfilled. Sometimes it can be from a "good" thing.

And I realised that even with contentment, with fulfilment, with happiness at present could lay the foundation for future despair especially in relationship and career.

How desperate we are in need of God to let us realise to see beyond present. God help us!

Let suffering awake a right relationship with God. Unless we truly seek and see God only. Our desire be singular, we face greater emptiness with every passing phase of life. Nothing can abide except he who desires to do the Will of God.

Let us be awaken to this singular truth that truly set us truly free. May it be a purging work and let our heart not be bent towards evilness and wickedness. May sufficiency in God be the good thereof instead.

Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

Christ said this to His disciples before He strived towards the Cross, "having love His own, He loved them to the end..." How true of God's love for us that have no is an everlasting love.

Remember your God and who He is. He love you first. And so it is. No time can diminish that.

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