Wednesday, April 16, 2008

All of Grace

So much things at hand recently. Parents not in the best of health. Work been piling up and doesn't seem to cease. Project on hold because of work. So many urgent matters to attend to. Hmm..

Worries seem all around. Practically stayed back at work for the past month. Today finally decided that there is a serious need of break. Just left my office early. Ha.

Had a long and nice jog I never did for a while. Amazingly stamina not lost.

Again sobering. Looking at my parents, they are unsaved. Priorities. First thing first.

Haven't spend much time in prayer recently either. Neither much in bible studying. Campus retreat approaching. More important things in life. Priority.

Be still and know I am God. A timely reminder.

Life would be full of trouble. Job says that. Man is born unto trouble and sparks fly up. And at the end of his trial, he declares in his knowledge of God, "I have heard by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see you;"

Never to be tossed tro and fro but to be found deep in the abode of God.

That is what I need with so many difficulties amounting.

God's grace can be sufficient. If only I ask...

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