Monday, April 21, 2008

Moving on and on

Expecting that there might be new things coming on.

Might be going Brunei year end to work for a long while. Sent over to help set up their laboratory. Wonder if I really go, how long would I be there?

Perhaps I have a choice not to go? But to think about it, a change of environment might be good??

Sometimes, you ask is this God's will for me? Then you ask, whether you have to put that into question? My heart at this point is to go...

But then again, there are other considerations.

I often believed that God speaks through even our desires. But at this point, don't really had the peace to go. But come the year end, who knows?

Vietnam is also making the same request so either place, somebody might be sent there.

Had a job opening in US a year ago, but didn't take it up.

Working in the same work environment can get dull. Time and again, the usualness of life's routine. Being contented is a difficult state.

Yet time and time and again, God allowed pleasantries in life to let me be reminded of His inherent goodness and faithfulness. Today heard a sermon of the blood covenant and was reminded again of God's covenant faithfulness. Abiding goodness that never leaves.

Always think and believe that God is leading me to do something that I have yet am doing. But I know one thing that instead of seeking that, I should build my life towards one of everyday, every moment obedience. Obedience as a character is the most essential to any Christian. Christ exemplifies obedience to the fullest.

My life should pursue that which is definite and directive coz it is straight from the bible that I can conform to.

Hoping that life will change into one of more consistent joy and being satisfied in God. But unless it is the work of Christ, that change will not be the regenerating and sanctifying work of the spirit of Christ.

Christ in us, is really the hope of Glory!

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