Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A chance to go begging....

4 years ago, a company asked whether I would like to join their company and be their regional technical specialist. I would have a 20% pay increase and 6 months bonus and a car allowance.

I decline simply I felt unsettled about flying and there wasn't a desire to really leave my existing job. In other words, I was resistant in a way to change. I thought about it long and hard but still came to a conclusion, that I would not. I do not think I pray long and hard about this matter, it was more drawn to my mind concluding that it wasn't the best time to leave. The pay was good. But as I didn't feel any excitment about the new job, I decline eventually.

Life could have been very different.

Decisions in life can change one's life journey dramatically. A choice. A decision.

4 years has gone. By the turning of an eye. In a way I am more glad than ever. Certain experiences one can have can never be learnt till he walked a certain journey. Like the Samaritan that walked through Jericho, would not be able to minister to the injured Jew if he hadn't walk that way.

Our Lord met the woman at the well, of course being God, He knew His purpose. I don't. Neither the Samaritian. But in all of life, every pathway, every choice we made, I believed as a Christian, God meant it for His good and so our good. Our good is only when we believed His good for us. Only when we love the good of God in and through our life, we wouldn't even see the bad as good.

Frustrated at times I am at the workload I have and fleeting thoughts of why shouldn't I leave for that job 4 years ago? This thought had crept into my mind before, but slowly I saw that faith in God is what pleasure in God is all about and I soon concede that His plan is far better and exceedingly more glad than anything else. The more I go through each day, the more transient I realise life is, the more I hinge a greater hope in God. Sin and temptations still abound but I hope a heavenward thinking will lift me off the grab of sin slowly but sure. I know that sin is only a sudden decision away. O if not for the grace of God, where comes my restrain.

The battle of unbelief and the battle of belief. Which is stronger. I feel unbelief is a easier option to fall into. So our Lord says, "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." Sin is sinful becuase it is sin. The evil thereof is the sin not the temptation. Hence our Lord says it plainly, to deliver us from evil. Evil is the devil's work. What greter deliverance is needed than to be delivered from the evil one Himself. O God spare us that the devil becomes our Lord. With unbelief we fall into that.

The struggle and battle of sin is ever so real. I must pray. I must. I must be aware of His saving grace. I must be aware that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. As the whole hymn that says, "O how I need Thee every hour." How true.

And so I must pray more and more.

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