Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Count it not cross it

It is very interesting. I am suppose to be very sad...but sadly I can't.

Thought through a lot of things this week. I know what triggered it but there I saw the bible on my table one night. I ask myself again about God and if I open the bible I know the bible will tell me about my God.

That is exciting. I have read this month and last extensively on Genesis. I am very intrigued by the life of Abraham again. This time round when I read it, one starking reality was seen. God's over-riding purpose and design of Abraham's life covers Him. Abraham was accounted as righteous because He believed God. Sure Abraham has his failures and moments of sin, yet God's purpose prevail. Abraham did seek God. His heart is for God. Issac's sacrifice proved that. Abraham is a man of faith.

Abraham's life counted for God's purpose. Out of Abraham, Israel will be born.

I thought about it and prayed, considering the passage I read. I do not want to go thorough life with a crossed cheque of eternal security of heaven, and count nothing for God. I do not want to think that all of life will be self, will be guarding just against sin but I desire God to prevail over my heart and that my life will reflect His love.

I think I have seen much of myself. Much of how others have conceived Christianity. The bible is not life applications per se. The bible is not a instruction manual per se. Peter says it pertains to life and godliness. What life? The redeemed life. The life that regards that I will love God with all my heart soul and strength.

I shared from Matthew 22 justlast week with campus when a question was posed. There are far greater and most important things of life to consider. God is the God of the living not the dead. We live lives dealing with temporal more than eternal. Christians can be dead man walking when they see Christ as a cross cheque and not count Christ as gain that they may live for His purpose and plan.

How our own heart and the world has deceived, few realised it. I know I am at best still selfish. The end of my ways has not been consistently God. The means of my ways has not been consistently God. The greatest reality in still God. To put confidence in man is fooliness. To place trust in God is wisdom. I thank God for this thought. I saw the bible. I hope I saw my God. God's word is powerful. I saw the life of Abraham brought God's conquering deliverance. Abraham lived for God. God lived in Abraham.

I want my life to count not cross it.

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