Sunday, February 22, 2009

A touch of rest

Didn't know I could fall so sick. Perhaps not very sick.

But couldn't move much without feeling discomfort. Aching all over. Thought I had Chigagunuya virus (did i get the spelling right?) but I suspect it was more likely stomach flu. No fever just plain aching.

In the end, didn't get to do what I wanted to do this weekend. Was enforced rest. This rest did good. Thought through a lot of things which otherwise I am too busy to think about.

Being sick is a blessing. Next week would be going up to KL for a week...well perhaps rest..but taking a short course and having an exam..could be stressful..dunno but still glad..away from the work, the hustle and bustle of routine life.

Glad. God always know to providentially do His work of grace. I am glad for being sick. Thankful infact.

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