Sunday, October 18, 2009

April's bride

I dun usually shed tears but watching this movie on the plane changed that. The movie was based on a true story.
Story line is simple. A normal couple who met thru' work got into dating and both fell in love with one another. Girl was diagnosed with breast cancer. Having saw what her mum who died of ovarian cancer went thru in the course of her treatment, she did not want her boyfriend to witness the ordeal. She broke off and run away.

Her cancer got worst to the point she has to cut away her diseased breast. Her boyfriend soon found her recuperating by the sea. The girl didn't want her boyfriend to see her go thru' her fight with cancer but soon was convinced by her boyfriend's sincerity.

They battled the disease together. In the course of her deterioration, she was soon diagnosed to have a month of her life left. She was slowly slipping away. Her usual smile turned into agony of pain as the cancer spred to her body. Her friends told her boyfriend her child-hood dream was to be a beautiful bride in Summer which happens in June. But knowing she would not be able to wait till June. It was April. Her boyfriend arranged a church wedding for her. Though weak, she was elated to being the bride. It was a day of joy and she was touched by her boyfriend's love for her. A few days later, after being a bride, she died.

Her character was one of strength. During her treatment, she got the TV crew to film her ordeal and made an appeal to people to go for constant medical screening for breast cancer. Even if one is young, they is no gurantee that you would be h the next vicitm. She made also a recording for her boyfriend, thanking him for his undying support for her. A recording that would only be passed to him after she has passed away.

It was teary. It was touching. The protrayal of the treatment, her detrioration, her family and friends support really displayed the ravages of what cancer can do. Above that was her boyfriend undying support for her. He stood by her and fulfil her every lifelong wish. She couldn't fulfil his, to be the lovely wife and mother. Yet her boyfriend didn't mind that. It was a love unconditional.

I wrote a song with the emotions that was etched. There is another side to it. It is a true story. I hope there isn't any dramatisation.

Love is to be celebrated. The ending is sad. But does anyone need to make an inquest of the power of love, I think this story showed it clearly.

Love can only be celebrated. Love brings hearts close. And with a test like this, only refines the love to be real. Like real gold, only through fire is the mire purged that whatever that stands become all the genuine, all the precious. Love is more precious than gold. Gold can be bought, love can't.

This indeed is a great movie.

For the record, I watched it again on my return flight.
The tears were no less.

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