Monday, March 8, 2010

Constricted and constrained

When the welling of tears is no longer on the eyes but in the know there is a depth of sadness that would be only untold.

It is a second wave of stress. Earthquake aftershocks are usually milder than the first. I do not seem to have any stretch of rest. Its taking its toll and toil.

When perpetual stress and discontinuos stress seizures come, it is worse than having an epilethic fits...the convulsions will stop, but not this when tsunami after tsunami keep coming.

I think the message is clear.

These strivings must cease or there can't be deliverance except that of delirium.

I must stoop not lower, but to make a stand to trust that the brook cherith has dried, and it is compelling, in this constricted and constrained environment, God has wanted me to leave.

It is untenable. Not a matter of endurance. When sanity hangs a thread, I need to swing to know that beyond a greener pasture, lies the stiller water.

I need peace and a longer one. I must have this rest for a season.
Not words. But just rest.

This mind expects deliverance. This mind expects fulfillment. Almost all, joy to delight.

And only one in my Lord would suffice.

I must go.

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