Sunday, March 21, 2010

God moves..

God answers prayer. There is no doubt about that.
And He moves in mysterious way...divine providence.

I earnestly hope I see more of His hand moving. Sometimes I think I am guilty of prejury. And at times, I dun think I am thankful enough of the goodness that He has bestowed.

The Chinese girls bible study on Sunday has more new people. While Dinghui and Tianren has enrolled in the ID course and opted to go for 2nd service, God has brought in 2 other newcomers to join the bible study. There are finding the bible studies helpful. Thank God for that. Hope they will grow in the Lord. Yuyun has been a blessing. And I pray that the bible study will fortify their faith in God.

Wang Wei has been attending church for some time now. He is Yuyun's friend. He heard the gospel a couple of times but would want to take time to consider Christ as being the true God. Do pray for Him that God will dispel the doubt in him and that he will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Jingbo has been coming to church on and off. His supervisor is very strict with his school hours. I do hope the couple of church coming and the one bible study he has attended will help him to ponder the reality of Christ and the need for divine forgiveness. Pray for him that God will move in his heart to desire to be saved.

Ken has professed Christ last wednesday. By providence, he was the only attendee for the YMCA guitar clasa as the rest were on term break and decided not to come. We had our lesson and after that supper. Ken enquire about the faith and we shared with him what Christianity is about. And at the end, he came to pray and accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour. He is from a Buddhist family and has not been granted permission to come to church. Do pray for him that he would be able to come to church. We have agreed to have a short bible class after wednesday guitar class. Hope he grow in Christ and his faith be strenghtened under such trying circumstances.

My colleague has also attended the ID class. Quite concerned about her growth, and hopefully the class will help her. Also hope that she find a suitable fellowship group to be part of. My other 2 friends have also decided to join FABRICs. Changing times ahead indeed.

For campus, there are quite a few newcomers. That is good. I do hope among the newcomers, faithful ones will be raised. God always move in a few good men. I do hope that I see men or women with grace and faith being revealed. The Romans bible studies is a monumental book to study. And I hope by the grace of God, this book will be completed. It is going to be tremendous when this bible studies is complete. It is going to life-changing if God breathes power and draws heart towards Godly sorrow that leads to repetance. This book has depth and impart breath in the life of the believer. This is my prayer that God will raise people to respond to the message of the book of Romans. May campus be the preparation ground for us to do battle for God. This is what I hope to see. By the grace of God, it will be done.

My work is piling like crazy. I dunno how I could survive all of this. I echo the cries of Paul though he is always in want, in need. He says this assurance that he can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. He also said that his God shall supply my needs according to His riches. I do hope it come to pass that God will show Himself strong.

Life is not easy. But with Christ in the boat, as the song says, we can smile at the storm.

The tide is changing. God is moving. I am still praying for my future direction. I have an inkling what I like to do. And when God moves, I hope I also move.

God is good. He is. If you read this blog, I hope you join alongside and pray. Thanks.

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