Tuesday, November 20, 2007


When the darkness will not lift. Great book by John Piper. Great and short book.

Exerpt here,

"God changes not because thou changest. Nay, He has an especial tenderness of love towards thee for that htou art in the dark and hast no light, and His heart is glad when thou dost arise and say, "I will go to my Father." ... Fold the arms of thy faith, and wait in the quitness until light goes up in thy darkness. Fold the arms of thy Faith I say, but not of thy Action: bethink thee of something that thou oughtest to do, and go to do it, if it be but the sweeping of a room, or the preparation of a meal, or a visit to a friend. Heed not thy feelings: Do thy work."

Great sharing. While the darkness will not lift, yet I will go about doing my Father's work. Self-absorption in self-darkness will never lift your joy. Joy is a gift.

Read in the same book, the life of William Cowper. In summary. Not much. But He lived sadly and died sadly. Admist all that, he had a pastor who loved him, none other than the song writer, "Amazing Grace." William Cowper wrote a great song himeself, "God moves in mysterious ways." Wonder how he could write a wonder masterpiece himself. William Cowper is mentally ill, made 3 suicide attempts. A poet. And he could reconcile doctrine in that wonderful song. But died, a miserable man. He also wrote a song called, "A fountain filled with Blood"

I believed what the author said. God allowed people to die in the midst of their dead season. William Cowper never led a nation to triumph, did no great missions, speaks no great sermon but wrote of the hope and his faith in God.

He knew deliverance will come, it will finally come. Hence these words. And to all readers of his poetic songs, it brings encouragment.

I see William Cowper in the hallway of faith. He died miserable. But He died to rest in His Savior.

I think it foolishnes to think all saints will die happy or joyful. We tend to teach joy as a gurantee of salvation if only we exercise faith. Judge not by feeble means. Joy is a gift. Faith is a gift.

We never in any sense sees that the Father deems fit those who will take joy in God and those who take sorrow.

God has a purpose for everything. Love even those who are sorrowful. Love conquers a multitude of sin. Love lifts the love of God.

Let each man be persuaded in their own heart with love. If joy will not come, let not our judgment come in comdemnation. John Newton spent years with William Cowper.

He now spends eternity with God.

Joy comes in a season. Joy might no come. But in seasons to come, it will be there.

God, plead for this gift. Joy and Faith. Scriptures say these are gifts. So I plead O thou will give. Increase if not do not take it away.

Help me to love others as you have love. Let not the darkness in my heart this day brings someone to darkness but lead them to see the light.

I hope for one thing. And pray for one thing. While each of us struggle along lives difficulties, let not be in feeble way declaring God is upholding you in substance while you know you are not delivered. Let your heart declared your failings and seek more an earnest gaze on God.

Delieverance is a gift from God. While the time is not up, trust God that it is not up. Wait and go about your Father's business. But let not your soul lie to say I delight in God.

The soul that is honest wtih God is at peace with Him.

And with men.

Many saints understand not this, and hold on to a profession.

The saints who understand rejoice in hope. William Cowper, I believe had such moments even He died a miserable man.

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