Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A day gone by

Got sabo by my colleague. She was supposed to go for this company dinner..not me...but got replaced and had to have a gastronomical experience. The food was not bad especially the prawn and ya this HUGE red garoupa. Taken a picture below.

Really felt it tonight. Belt went tight. Real tight. Thought it wasn't a sabo. But now felt again..it is. Haha

Finally spend some time finishing the song. Glad it is done. Very glad. Very nice tune I feel. Might change the song title but still in deliberation.

Hope I can get to bed tonight. Really had too much. Still a bit of time before bedtime.

Still had some issues at my workplace. Hopeful that by the grace of God, things would be sorted out. By isn't that everything in life. Been thinking a fair bit of gleaning things on God's perspective. And weaning self away from its own gratifications to begin to think how God would desire in every circumstances. Strange but am thinking more towards this. Hopeful I would understand clearly how this can be achieved.

Another day soon to pass...

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