Monday, October 6, 2008

Deadline and not dateline

Crazy argument. But I am convinced that deadline is the right spelling to mean the timeline given to finish a task. agree. Have to go through some lengths just to state this point.

Truth never fails.

Yesterday was quite taken aback. Rev Stephen Tong annouced that he would no longer preach in Singapore on a regular basis after he completes the gospel of John. I think in part, from what he said, Singapore Christians are lukewarm, I feel. He constrasts to the Indonesians back home. He also expressed his desire to spend more time with his own congregation back home. His church people are the sheeps that God has ordained to pastor and he felt that it is right that He focus more time with them. Indeed.

But if what Rev Stephen Tong said about Singaporean is true, it is indeed sad. There is no doubt that Rev Stephen Tong preaching is simple yet insighful. God has gifted this man. He is ordained I believed strongly by God to preach with indudated power on High.

I told myself I will follow through his exposition through the gospel of John. John's gospel is my favourite gospel and even last night, when Rev Tong shared on the background on the gospel of John, it was simply illuminating. I believe even if I spend months reading, I would not have grasp what he said in one hour.

It was a great blessing. Except this time round, the deadline is drawing nearer than before.

God has decided to move this man away from Singapore. The deadline draws near every passing day.

But thanks be to God who had given through this man much. For to whom much is given, much more is required. Thank God.

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